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Sleep Deprivation May Increase Risk of Drug Abuse and Addiction

December 1, 2020

Sleep is crucial for our brains to function well. Without good sleep, we are much more at risk of making poor choices. But this goes far deeper than choosing the wrong route to work, or picking an unhealthy meal. Researchers now have evidence to show that sleep deprivation may put us at greater risk of addiction and drug abuse.

In a recent study, scientists conditioned a group of mice to associate a particular room with cocaine, and then assessed how sleep deprivation affected their preferences. They found that sleep-deprived mice had a stronger preference for cocaine than rested mice, particular if they had been sleep-deprived within 4 hours of the experiment. This change in preference was driven by activity in the orexin system of the brain, which regulates hunger, mood and wakefulness. But by blocking the orexin system, the researchers could reduce the drug-seeking behaviour in sleep deprived mice.

This study demonstrates how serious the impact and consequences of sleep deprivation can be. Without sleep, our whole body suffers. Those suffering from a sleeping disorder are at a higher risk for developing heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety and obesity. If you are having difficulty falling or staying asleep, or snore and choke when asleep, speak to your speak to a family doctor or a Sleep Specialist. Start the journey of becoming a better-rested, healthier version of yourself.