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Paediatric Masks

Paediatric CPAP Masks have been designed specifically for children and individuals with small facial features. As these masks need to suit children from the age of 0 to 18, it is strongly recommended that you speak with a CPAP Consultant who can advise you on finding the right CPAP mask.

Getting the CPAP mask size, fit and comfort right, is just as important as choosing the right CPAP machine, in ensuring effective and comfortable CPAP treatment. Failure to do so, can significantly impact your success with CPAP therapy. Different CPAP mask brands and products suit different face shapes and sizes differently. That is why it is critical to seek the advice of an experienced and independent CPAP Consultant, when commencing CPAP treatment.

Key questions to ask when choosing the right CPAP mask:

  1. Do you “mouth-breathe” during sleep?
  2. Do your sinuses get congested regularly (e.g. allergies, deviated septum)?
  3. Do you require a high CPAP pressure setting (we generally consider a high pressure above 15 cm H2O)?
  4. Are you a restless sleeper (do you toss and turn a lot whilst asleep)?
  5. Do you suffer from claustrophobia?
  6. Do you have facial hair?
  7. Is your face symmetrical?
  8. Do you have a silicone allergy?
  9. Do you read, watch TV or wear glasses as part of our night routine?
  10. Do you have a medical device inside you that may be affected by magnet mask clips?
  11. How small/big, narrow/wide is your nose and nostrils?
  12. Do you have a high nose bridge (like most Caucasian populations) or a low bridge or valley (like most Asian populations)?
  13. For existing CPAP users, what are the features of your current CPAP mask that you like/dislike?
  14. Do you have a preference for the CPAP tubing to be in front of your face or on top of your head?

Sove CPAP Clinic is a leading independent provider of CPAP masks, with 40 CPAP clinics Australia-wide. We are fully accredited with all major CPAP manufacturers including ResMed, Philips Respironics, Fisher & Paykel, Devilbiss, Transcend, BMC, Apex and Weinmann. Sove CPAP Clinic purchase all its CPAP supplies directly from the CPAP manufacturers themselves in Australia. Sove CPAP Clinic Difference

Sove CPAP Clinics offers the lowest prices for all CPAP masks and has flexible options for patients to obtain their CPAP Mask. This includes:

  1. CPAP Mask rental
  2. CPAP Mask purchase
  3. CPAP Mask payment plan

Sove CPAP Clinic’s Price Match Guarantee

Sove CPAP Clinic offers patients various support options to ensure patients get the most from their treatment. Patients can speak with a CPAP Consultant face-to-face, via telehealth and over the phone.

For enquiries, Sove CPAP Clinic can be contacted on 1300 76 29 39 or via email at info@thecpapclinic.com.au

ResMed Pixi Paediatric Mask
RRP: $225 Save: $13 $212
Pickup available
ResMed Pixi Pediatric Mask Cushion
RRP: $64.5 Save: $9.7 $54.8
Pickup available
ResMed Pixi Pediatric Mask Headgear
RRP: $89 Save: $13.35 $75.65
Pickup available