New research from the Journal of the American College of Cardiology has shown that having a fatty heart, regardless of your weight, increases your risk of heart failure by 50-100%! Pericardial fat, which is the fat that surrounds your heart, can increase your risk of heart failure regardless of other risk factors like body weight, smoking, and high cholesterol. The study also found that women who met the criteria for high pericardial fat volume had double the risk of heart failure, where men who met the criteria has a 53% increased risk.
Many chronic conditions are linked to each other, which means having one increases your risk for developing another. About 85% of people ages 60 or older have at least one chronic disease, and 60% have at least two.
We all know it’s important to eat a healthy balanced diet – but did you know that the time of day you eat can matter just as much? Several recent studies have shown that eating after 8:00 p.m. is the worst time to eat – here’s why.
Good news for tea lovers! Research has shown that certain types of tea may be able to help you fall asleep and stay asleep at night.
Our brain health has a significant impact on the quality of our lives. Did you know that one in seven adults are diagnosed with dementia?
The better you are at resting, the more energy and creativity you’ll bring into your work – but few of us actually know how to relax at the end of the day.
Rest is a requirement, not a luxury. All it takes are a few changes to your routines and habits, which can help protect you from sleep disorders like insomnia, mood disorders and even high blood pressure. Try practicing one of these after work today!
The CPAP Clinic has a network of 40 clinics nationwide, and works in partnership with Centurion Healthcare, a Respiratory & Sleep Specialist clinic group to provide comprehensive sleep care including: 1. Respiratory & Sleep Specialist consultation – face-to-face and telehealth available 2. Sleep studies – in-lab, home and contactless sleep studies available. Bulk billing available for specialist telehealth consultations as well as sleep studies. Medicare criteria apply.
Call 1300 76 29 39 or email for more information.
Manuka honey has many health benefits due to its antibacterial properties, setting it apart from traditional honey. Native to New Zealand, it has an active ingredient (methylglyoxal) which is responsible for its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits.