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How Nasal Sprays Can Help Your CPAP Therapy

April 7, 2021

Although CPAP machines now have multiple humidification options, many patients still struggle with having dry or stuffy sinuses after using their CPAP machine. Thankfully, you can treat any dry or stuffy noses with Flo Sprays!

Although CPAP machines now have multiple humidification options, many patients still struggle with having dry or stuffy sinuses after using their CPAP machine. Thankfully, you can treat any dry or stuffy noses with Flo Sprays!

Flo Nozoil Spray is a sesame seed oil lubricant that helps to moisturise the nose, alleviating dry nasal tissue and preventing inflammation.

The nose can become dry for a number of reasons, such as from having a cold, using air conditioning, certain medications, following nasal surgery or while using CPAP machines.

Nozoil has long-lasting effects, helping to heal the nasal tissue and produce a mucous blanket which shields the delicate tissue underneath. The ingredients consists of sesame seed oil along with three natural forms of vitamin E (alpha, beta and gamma), and is available as a spray or a dropper.

If you struggle with having a painful, dry nose, try using Flo Nozoil spray. To maximise results, it is recommended to spray both nostrils 2-3 times per day, and ideally 1 hour before bed. You can view Flo Nozoil on our website Here