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Sleep Apnoea Study Finds CPAP Treatment Improves Physical Activity

December 23, 2021

A common problem for those with untreated obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is that the excessive daytime sleepiness makes it extremely difficult to exercise due to a lack of energy and motivation. So if CPAP treatment can help to reduce apnoea events during sleep, will adherence to CPAP use result in an increase in physical activity? A study published earlier this year in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine has revealed that individuals with comorbid sleep apnoea and cardiovascular disease were more physically active when using CPAP treatment. Among the 2,601 participants, those assigned the CPAP treatment were significantly more physically active with more than 20% more moderate physical activity reported when compared to the control group. As well as reporting having undertaken more physical activity, those in the CPAP group also reported less limitation in their movements, moving them closer to the recommended levels of physical activity. This is an important finding in this study as pain during exertion is a common complaint in those who are older and more likely to develop OSA and cardiovascular disease. This study adds to the body of literature that demonstrates the benefits of CPAP treatment for those with obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA).

By restoring sleep quality in those with comorbid obstructive sleep apnoea and cardiovascular disease, CPAP treatment can help to provide individuals with more energy that they can then use to engage in physical activity. For many suffering with OSA, a lack of energy and daytime drowsiness can inhibit activity, perpetuating a sedentary lifestyle. CPAP may offer an effective treatment option for those with comorbid sleep apnoea and cardiovascular disease. This may have substantial implications in the treatment of cardiovascular disease in those with comorbid obstructive sleep apnoea. Studies like these highlight the importance of screening for sleep disordered breathing, particularly in those with comorbidities. Control of such progressive chronic diseases may be enhanced in those who do suffer from obstructive sleep apnoea if they can be placed on an appropriate treatment. Obstructive sleep apnoea can affect the cardiovascular system in a variety of ways as a result of continuous episodes of hypoxia during sleep. Apnoea events can contribute to hypertension, blood sugar dysregulation and arrhythmia. These put excess stress on the heart and vasculature and are key components of cardiovascular disease. It is well known that exercise has a variety of beneficial effects on metabolic health, so many health practitioners advise a regime of increased physical activity to not only reduce the impact of disorders like cardiovascular disease, but also prevent the onset of the condition in the first place. With a lack of energy being a common barrier to engaging in physical activity, for those with untreated obstructive sleep apnoea, CPAP is likely to encourage exercise.

If you suspect that either you or your partner may have sleep disordered breathing, consult your family doctor and/or a Respiratory/Sleep specialist. If clinically necessary, they may recommend having a sleep study, where electrodes are attached to your body to monitor your sleep. Sleep studies can determine the presence of a sleep disorder, its severity, and provide guidance regarding treatment options. The most common treatments for obstructive sleep apnoea include CPAP treatment, Mandibular Advancement Splints (MAS), positional sleep devices and weight loss. If left untreated, obstructive sleep apnoea can increase one’s risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, hypertension and depression.

Sove CPAP Clinic is a leading, independent and comprehensive provider of Respiratory & Sleep Disorder services with a network of clinics nationwide. We have a comprehensive team of Respiratory & Sleep Physicians and CPAP Consultants and provide eligible patients with access to bulk billed sleep studies, Respiratory/Sleep specialist consultations and sleep apnoea treatment services.* Speak with your doctor or contact Sove CPAP Clinic on 1300 76 29 39 or email info@thecpapclinic.com.au

  • Medicare criteria apply Original Article: Stevens D, et al. CPAP increases physical activity in obstructive sleep apnea with cardiovascular disease. J Clin Sleep Med. 2021 Feb 1;17(2):141-148.