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How to Sleep During Heatwaves

December 1, 2020

Sunburnt, sweaty and…sleep deprived? Heatwaves like last weekend can make it difficult to get a good night’s sleep. Our bodies need to cool down as we go to sleep, making it harder to get deep sleep during these hot summer months. So here are some tips to help you stay cool and well rested this summer.

  1. Keep your room dark during the day: keeping sunlight out of your bedroom during the day can help stop it from heating up, and help you sleep better at night.
  2. Don’t exercise close to bed: you should always avoid exercising too close to bedtime, especially during summer months when it can cause your temperature to spike.
  3. Have a cool shower: a lukewarm or colder shower can help you lower your body temperature before going to bed.
  4. Get the right bedding: ditch heavier blankets and go for breathable sheets and pajamas during summer. Cotton, linen and bamboo based fabrics will be much cooler than synthetic fabrics such as polyester.
  5. Create airflow: open windows, doors and get a fan in to help circulate air around the room.
  6. Keep water nearby: a cold glass of water by your bedside can help you cool down if you wake up from heat during the night.
  7. Freeze your pillow case/sheets: it sounds a little strange, but placing your pillow cases or sheets in the freezer for a little while before you go to bed can help you cool down as you go to sleep.
  8. Get a good mattress: a high quality mattress and pillow can dissipate your body heat rather than trap it.
  9. Avoid snuggles – including from pets: as lovely as snuggling up to your partner or pet may be during winter, in summer, the less body heat shared the better! That means it’s better for couples to stay apart in bed, and pets may need to find somewhere else to sleep.
  10. Unplug before bed: the light and heat coming from your electronics is a recipe for a poor night’s sleep. Try to put phones and other electronics away an hour or so before bed to help you sleep better.