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How to Reset (And Keep) Your Sleep Schedule

December 1, 2020

Our sleep and routines has suffered during the pandemic. Increased anxiety, lockdowns and having to work from home has ruined many sleep schedules. But having a consistent sleep schedule is the key to getting longer, better sleep. So how can you reset your sleep schedule after so much disruption?

Here are 5 key tips:

  1. Get some fresh air and exercise: Tiring your body out and getting enough vitamin D can help regulate your circadian rhythms and keep your sleep consistent.
  2. Create a better sleeping environment: Having a dark, cool bedroom with comfortable bedding creates the best environment for sleep.
  3. Avoid daytime naps: Daytime naps can do more harm than good – regularly having a longer daytime nap can rob you of a solid night’s sleep so it’s best to avoid them.
  4. Avoid depressing TV at night: Watching discouraging TV shows or news reports at night can leave your mind racing and steal your sleep – its best to avoid these, and ideally cut out TV within an hour of bedtime.
  5. Take a melatonin supplement: if you’re still struggling, a melatonin supplement can help you to fall asleep and get back into your sleep cycle. Once you have done the hard work in resetting your sleep schedule, make sure you keep it! Key habits can help, including having a tech-free wind down time before bed, waking up at the same time every day, and only using your bed for sleep.

If you are still struggling with your sleep, or feeling tired even after a proper night’s sleep, speak to your family doctor or sleep specialist. Common sleep disorders such as insomnia or sleep apnea may be affecting your sleep – but these are very treatable. Working towards getting better sleep is one of the best ways you can look after your health.