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How Diabetes Can Interfere With Your Sleep

July 17, 2021

Did you know that around 1.8 million Australians have diabetes? Each year, more than 100,000 Australians develop a form of diabetes – with type 2 diabetes accounting for 85%. This is of particular concern due to its association with a sleep disorder known as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

OSA alters glucose metabolism and places patients at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. Patients with OSA have pauses in their breathing during sleep, which causes carbon dioxide levels to increase, leading to insulin resistance. This affects the body’s ability to use and produce enough insulin in the pancreas, which can progress to diabetes.

Furthermore, those with Type 2 diabetes have altered blood-sugar levels which can have an effect on sleep due to frequent urination (when levels are high), anxiety and even nightmares (when levels are low). Consequently, poor sleep quality results in less-restorative slow-wave sleep, which in turn interferes with insulin regulation and blood sugar levels – becoming a viscous cycle.

A study in the Journal of Sleep Research found that participants with diabetes who also experienced frequent sleep disturbances were 87% more likely to die of any cause, such as heart attack or car accident. If you have diabetes and sleep issues, speak with your doctor today about your management plan. The CPAP Clinic has a network of 40 clinics nationwide, and works in partnership with Centurion Healthcare, a Respiratory & Sleep Specialist clinic group to provide comprehensive sleep care including:

  1. Respiratory & Sleep Specialist consultation – face-to-face and telehealth available
  2. Sleep studies – in-lab, home and contactless sleep studies available.

Bulk billing available for specialist telehealth consultations as well as sleep studies. Medicare criteria apply. Call 1300 76 29 39 or email info@thecpapclinic.com.au for more information.