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Going To Bed Earlier Reduces Your Risk Of Depression

June 12, 2021

A new study published in JAMA Psychiatry has found that going to sleep an hour earlier could lower your risk for major depression by 23%. The study included 840,000 people, including their genetic data, prescription records and medical history. They found that provided the amount of sleep stays the same, sleeping an hour earlier lowered your risk of depression by 23%, and sleeping two hours earlier lower your risk by around 40%.

If you normally sleep from between 12am to 8am, try shifting it to 11pm to 7am or 10pm to 6am. Whilst you may be genetically predisposed to be a ‘night owl’ or ‘early bird’, more than half of your sleeping pattern is controlled by your lifestyle habits. So, it may be worth changing up your sleep routine to improve your mental health.

Sove CPAP Clinic has a network of 40 clinics nationwide, and works in partnership with Centurion Healthcare, a Respiratory & Sleep Specialist clinic group to provide comprehensive sleep care including:

  1. Respiratory & Sleep Specialist consultation – face-to-face and telehealth available
  2. Sleep studies – in-lab, home and contactless sleep studies available.

Bulk billing available for specialist telehealth consultations as well as sleep studies. Medicare criteria apply. Call 1300 76 29 39 or email info@thecpapclinic.com.au for more information.