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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: A New Approach To Treating Insomnia

December 12, 2021

Insomnia is a growing issue, with roughly 30% to 50% of adults dealing with at least a mild form. As this number increases, the desire to find safe and effective treatments has grown precipitously in the last decade. Among some of the most common approaches to the treatment of insomnia are soporific drugs such as benzodiazepines. These drugs are designed to lower brain activity and artificially induce sleep. Unfortunately, this class of drugs have been found to be ineffective in generating healthful and regenerative sleep.

As many are seeking more natural and long-lasting treatments, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) has come into the spotlight of treatment options for insomnia. CBT is an intervention that aims to address the psychological aspects of a variety of mental and emotional issues. CBT is a way to unpack and reframe the concept of sleep to help individual’s relationship with sleep.

In a recent study looking at the effectiveness of CBT for insomnia, researchers found that “undergoing cognitive behavioural sleep training may help prevent depression in older adults with insomnia.” The core components of CBT in this study revolved around 5 areas; “cognitive therapy, stimulus control, sleep restriction, sleep hygiene, and relaxation.” Overall, CBT may be a safe, effective and long-lasting option for the treatment of insomnia.