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Treatment Options For Obstructive Sleep Apnoea

December 1, 2021

Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) is a condition of varying severity. Some may only experience very mild OSA, whereas others can have a very severe form. Treatment options for OSA depend greatly on the severity of the patient’s symptoms. There are several different primary treatment options for those suffering with OSA designed to cater for mild, moderate and severe forms. Treatment Options:

  • Lifestyle Modifications: For those with very mild sleep apnoea, changes such as regular exercise, weight loss, cessation of smoking and avoiding alcohol can help to reduce the severity of OSA.

  • Mandibular Advancement Device: Mandibular Advancement Devices (MAD) work by temporarily moving the jaw and tongue forward to reduce throat constriction, sleep apnoea events and snoring. Moving the tongue forward increases airway space and allows for greater passage of air when breathing. MADs are relatively inexpensive and can be effective in preventing apnoeas in individuals with mild sleep apnoea.

  • CPAP: Continuous Positive Airways Pressure (CPAP) is the Gold-Standard treatment option for Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA). CPAP is a common and highly effective treatment that works by applying positive air pressure via a mask to keep the airway open. With this pressure, the tendency for the airways to collapse and cause an apnoea event is reduced.

  • Surgery: Surgery is usually only considered if other therapies haven’t been effective and it is an extreme case of OSA. Surgical procedures tend to consist of the removal of tissue at the back of the mouth and top of the throat. Other surgeries aim to reconstruct the jaw bones to mechanically move the jaw. Obstructive Sleep Apnoea requires proper clinical care and treatment. If you suspect you may have OSA, it is important to speak with your doctor about whether you may benefit from having a sleep study, and if OSA is present, discuss your treatment options.

With a network of clinics nationwide, Sove CPAP Clinic is a leading, independent and comprehensive provider of Respiratory & Sleep Disorder services, providing eligible patients with access to bulk billed sleep studies, Respiratory/Sleep specialist consultations and sleep apnoea treatment services.* Speak with your doctor or contact Sove CPAP Clinic on 1300 76 29 39. * Medicare criteria apply