Are You Getting Enough Sleep? November 13, 2021 Sleep is important for our body’s growth and repair. It can also help to reduce the risk of many health conditions – including Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease and diabetes. A recent study revealed that getting too little sleep or too much sleep can lead to cognitive decline in older adults. Using a single-electrode encephalography (EEG) device and cognitive tests on 100 adults in their mid-to-late 70s, the researchers found that sleeping less than 4.5 hours and more than 6.5 hours a night – alongside poor quality sleep – was associated with cognitive decline over time. Other factors that are linked to dementia include age, genetics, and higher levels of the proteins beta-amyloid or tau. Even just one night of sleep deprivation temporarily increases beta-amyloid levels in the brain of healthy people. If you are suffering from poor sleep, a Sleep study can detect any abnormalities that may need treating.