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Preparing for Your Telehealth Specialist Appointment

November 11, 2020

How to book an appointment?

  1. Contact us on 1300 469 083 to enquire about earliest availabilities with our specialists and make a telehealth appointment, please have your Medicare number and/or other concession cards ready when booking the appointment.
  2. Obtain a letter of referral for the specific specialist from your GP before your appointment date (to see a specialist, you must have a valid referral letter from your general practitioner or another specialist)
  3. Please email (reception@centurionhealthcare.com.au) or fax (1300 469 087) your referral letter to us prior to your telehealth appointment date
  4. Closer to the date, we will either give you a call or send a text message to remind you of the date and time of your appointment as well as any specific documents that we have not yet received.
  5. If you do need the assistance of an interpreter, please let the team know during the initial booking process so that we can arrange this service for your appointment.

Preparing for your doctor’s appointment

Before your appointment with the specialist, it might be a good idea to have a think about the nature of the consultation and what your concerns are. Sometimes it can help to make a list of questions to ask the specialist during the appointment to keep you on track. Keep a record of your specific symptom you have or you are experiencing as it may be helpful towards your diagnosis. It is also a good idea to know the names of the medication/s you are currently taking and any allergies that you have.

Appointment Checklist: •	Have already emailed or faxed us your referral letter from GP •	Email or fax any important scans that you may want the doctor to see (e.g. X-ray, CT and other diagnostic images) •	Email or fax any important results from recent pathology tests that you may want the doctor to see (e.g. blood, urine etc.) •	Any other test results that you wish to show the specialist

What to expect at your appointment

  1. Please be located near your phone during the time of your booking.
  2. Make sure that your phone is not engaged during the time of your booking
  3. If possible, try and have your telehealth in a quiet environment

If you have any questions or concerns regarding appointment bookings, you can always give us a call on 1300 76 29 39.