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Preparing for Your Telehealth CPAP Appointment

November 11, 2020

How to book an appointment?

  1. Contact us on 1300 76 29 39 to enquire about earliest availabilities with our specialists and make a telehealth appointment.
  2. You will need to let us know the brand/model of your CPAP machine so that we are able to check if this device can be remotely monitored (if you wish for us to check your data usage report).
  3. If you have not been set up in our system, we do require for you to let us know your machine’s serial number to facilitate the remote monitoring set up. Therefore, have your machine nearby during the call in case if we ask
  4. If you have any important reports from either a previous sleep study or a previous CPAP download that you wish the consultant see, please either fax (1300 469 087) or email (info@thecpapclinic.com.au) through prior to your appointment time.
  5. Closer to the date, we will either give you a call or send a text message to remind you of the date and time of your appointment.
  6. If you are unable to speak English, please ask a friend or relative who will be able to assist with translating to be near you during the call.

Preparing for your CPAP Telehealth appointment

Before your appointment with your CPAP consultant, it might be a good idea to have a think about the nature of the consultation and what your concerns are. Sometimes it can help to make a list of questions to ask the consultant during the appointment to keep you on track. Keep a record of your specific symptom you have or you are experiencing as it may be helpful towards troubleshooting your concerns.

Appointment Checklist: • Email or fax any important reports that you may want the consultant to see (e.g. sleep study results, previous CPAP download reports etc.) • Any other test results that you wish to show the specialist

What to expect at your appointment

  1. Please be located near your phone during the time of your booking.
  2. Make sure that your phone is not engaged during the time of your booking
  3. If possible, try and have your telehealth in a quiet environment

If you have any questions or concerns regarding appointment bookings, you can always give us a call on 1300 76 29 39.