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Preparing for Your Type 2 Home-Based Sleep Study

November 11, 2020

What to Expect for Your Sleep Study

A home based sleep study is an abridged version of an in-lab diagnostic sleep study where you undertake the test at home. You will still need to attend our clinic to be “hooked up” to the equipment. During the appointment our sleep technician will attach small sensors and electrodes to your head, chest, finger and legs to record your biological signals when you sleep. This is a non-invasive test which measures brain wave activity, breathing, snoring, heart rate and oxygen levels, as well as your body of movement. You will then bring the device home to sleep with and return it to us the following morning for analysis.

Preparing for Your Sleep Study

• Please arrive in your comfortable sleep wear (front opening preferred). If you are arriving directly from work please take along your sleep wear. You will be able to change at the clinic. • If suitable, have dinner before arriving at the clinic – you may eat afterwards but bear in mind there will be wires attached to your head and face. • Shower/bathe before attending your appointment. If you have washed your hair have it completely dry before arriving at the clinic. Remember not to apply hair sprays, oils, or gels to your hair, or thick skin lotions, as this can affect the quality of the signals given by our sensors. • Remove all makeup and nail polish – shellac polish and acrylic nails included. • Male Patients – Please shave any facial hair before the study as this will improve the quality of the recording. Bearded men – you DO NOT need to shave off your beard as we will try our best to attach the sensors without shaving your beard. However, please note that we may need to shave off facial or chest hair if the sensors are unable to obtain good signals • REFERRAL - If you have been referred by your doctor/dentist directly for the test, please fax or send to us the referral prior to your appointment, otherwise Medicare will not cover the test and the full fee will be payable. Bring your referral (unless you have already posted it to us) and Medicare card with you to your appointment. This will allow us to have your sleep study report sent to your referring practitioner as soon as possible.

Getting to the Clinic

• It is recommended that you drive or have someone to drive you to the clinic, as there will be numerous wires attached to your head and face as well as legs, and some patients do find it uncomfortable to drive with the equipment on. • It is recommended that you do not take public transport or plan a night out after being hooked up, due to all the wires being fixed on to you. • If it is raining, please bring an umbrella with you as moisture will affect the quality of signals and may damage the equipment.

During the test

• We ask that you arrive at your scheduled appointment on time. Our sleep technician will attend to you and explain the procedure involved. You will be asked to complete some paperwork and some measurements will be taken prior to the procedure. Please advise us before your sleep study if you have latex or other allergies. • Generally, during the procedure the following will be involved (exact application may vary depending on the test required and your referral):  Head: Electrodes are placed near the eyes, on the forehead and under the chin)  Nose: A Nasal/Oral Cannula is placed below the nostrils  Effort Bands are placed around the chest and abdomen  Leg sensors below the knees  Oximeter on one finger to measure oxygen concentration in the blood • You will be able to carry out your normal routine while wearing the device, however please: • Do not remove the device, any wires or belts during the evening – we understand it may feel foreign wearing the device but without all the signals the test may be incomplete. • Do NOT get the device wet under any circumstances (i.e. no showering, swimming and avoid being in the rain) • Try to have a quiet evening if possible because signal quality may be compromised with frequent movement and/or excessive sweating.

After the Test / In the Morning

• When you wake up, gently remove all wires, belts, and pads from your body but please do NOT remove, cut or unplug any wires or sensors from the device as this will help to ensure you have returned everything. If in doubt, return everything – including the disposable patches and tapes. • Please do not rip any equipment off and do not use scissors to cut wires or belts under any circumstances. The equipment is delicate and can be damaged easily. • Fill out the Post-Sleep questionnaire • Place all equipment and the Post-Sleep questionnaire as neatly as possible inside the carry case provided. Please ensure you return all components for the device including all wires and belts. • The device will need to be returned at the time and location informed by us, usually by 10am the next morning at the same location as your hook up appointment the previous day. • Your results will be finalised approximately 10-14 days after your test. A report will be sent to your referring doctor, who will discuss your results and treatment options if necessary. You can also call us if you would like to find out the status of your results.

If you have any questions, all us on 02 97982322 (Sydney) or 03 90173631 (Melbourne) between 9am-5.30pm Monday to Friday. You can also email us at reception@centurionhealthcare.com.au