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CPAP Machine Hires - Trials and Rentals

CPAP treatment can be daunting at first instance. At Sove CPAP Clinic, our CPAP Consultants will be your guide in helping you determine the optimal machine and mask for you.

Speak with your doctor first to obtain a proper diagnosis and before commencing CPAP treatment. ALWAYS READ THE LABEL AND FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS FOR USE. If symptoms persist talk to your healthcare professional.

Things to consider before commencing a CPAP trial include:

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  1. Is my CPAP provider independent? It helps to obtain independent advice from a provider that is not owned or affiliated with a CPAP manufacturer. As different brands specialise in different things, have different features and launch new products at different times, it is recommended to consult an independent CPAP provider that can show you all the options, so that an informed decision can be made. Sove CPAP Clinic is proudly independent and brand agnostic, carrying all major brands.
  2. How comprehensive is my CPAP provider’s product range? Having a broad range of brand and product options available to see is important in making an informed choice. It’s always important to ask whether the products recommended for trial are the latest products available, and alternative options if that particular product does not suit.
  3. Does your provider allow you to swap and compare products during the CPAP trial? It is important to try and compare different products. Some machines and masks will fit better than others (as everyone’s face is unique), and particularly given it is a long term investment, it is preferable to know definitively which product provides you with the best treatment and comfort. Under the guidance and care of a CPAP Consultant, Sove CPAP Clinic encourages patients to try different options.
  4. How old is the machine and mask I’m renting? At Sove CPAP Clinic, we rent machines and masks that are no more than 2 years and 1 year old respectively. That way, you can be assured of using the latest and best CPAP products available.
  5. What clinical oversight is provided by the CPAP provider? It is important to be supervised by a properly trained clinician, and have a comprehensive specialist care team available if needed. At Sove CPAP Clinic, we are unique in having in-house Respiratory & Sleep Specialists, CPAP Consultants and Sleep Technologists all under one roof. With the depth of expertise and experience at Sove CPAP Clinics, you can have confidence that you have a leading team of specialists to guide you through your treatment journey.
  6. What are the terms of the CPAP trial agreement? Things to ask include:
    (1) What is the CPAP trial duration?
    (2) What equipment is included in the CPAP trial package?
    (3) What is the CPAP trial cost and does the cost change after a period of time?
    (4) Is there a minimum and/or maximum trial period?
    (5) Is the trial simply a trial or a hire purchase agreement?
    (6) Do I need to provide security/deposit during the CPAP trial?
    (7) What is the cost of accidental loss or damage of my CPAP trial equipment?
  7. How is support provided by the CPAP provider? It is important to have access to quality and convenient support when you need it. At Sove CPAP Clinic, patients have the option to speak with us: (1) face-to-face; (2) telephone; (3) telehealth (video conferencing); and (4) online. Support is available Monday to Saturday.

CPAP Trial Package

Sove CPAP Clinic’s CPAP machine trial costs $100 for 4 weeks and includes:

  • 1 x Premium APAP Machine + Humidifer (Resmed, Philips, Fisher and Paykel)
  • 1 x Heated Tubing
  • 1 x Power Supply
  • 1 x Set of Filters
  • 1 x Carry Bag

Throughout the CPAP trial, the following support is provided:

  • Weekly face-to-face consultations with CPAP Consultant to review sleep study and treatment results. Access also to Respiratory & Sleep Specialist support available if complications arise.
  • Telehealth and phone support available Monday to Saturday with CPAP Consultants.
  • CPAP reports and data sent to approved medical professionals including GPs, dentists and specialists.

To arrange a CPAP trial or to enquire about any of the above, contact Sove CPAP Clinic on 1300 76 29 39.

CPAP Machine Hire

Sove CPAP Clinic is able to arrange a CPAP rental program tailored to your individual needs and budget.

The rental program is a therapy orientated process which consists of undergoing treatment with a qualified clinician/consultant.

Rental Package:

  • 1 x Premium APAP Machine + Humidifer (Resmed, Philips, Fisher and Paykel)
  • 1 x Heated Tubing
  • 1 x Power Supply
  • 1 x Set of Filters
  • 1 x Carry Bag

Therapy is undertaken in a four week period, with ability to change machines (depending on stock availabilities).

Therapy also includes:

  • Weekly with a qualified clinician
  • Counselling + Interpretation of Sleep/Therapy Results in order to optimise treatment
  • Backbone of clinicians and sleep physicians for support
  • Patient Phone Support (Mon - Sat)

Our aim is to ensure that your Sleep Apnoea is treated accordingly, and the ability to assist in improving your quality of life

To arrange a CPAP trial or to enquire about any of the above, contact Sove CPAP Clinic on 1300 76 29 39.